Wednesday, May 22, 2013


1. It's National Bike you own a bicycle? When did you last ride a bike?

Nope - I don't have a bike...

& yes, Ricky hides his bike from me

He's always afraid I'll try to ride it & on our hilly, curvy roads
he foresees the worst

... he's a smart man...

2. What's something you learned in school that wasn't part of the curriculum?

I learned that I hated those stupid physical fitness tests.
I learned that people can be cruel
I learned that friends can make situations better
I learned that there is a social ranking in every area of life
I learned that there is an end to everything - good & bad

 3. What's a food you've never tried, but want to try? What's a food you've tried and will never try again?

Never tried a PB&J
... shut up... I know... I know
... but its true - I've never tried one before.
 Not sure why.  But it sort of intrigues me. 

Will never try again?  Beef... never again...

 4. Have you been more demanding on yourself lately or less? Why? Do you think that's a good trend?

I'm not more demanding on myself lately...

I switch all my demands onto my husband...

he loves it...

I'm sure

5. Who is your favorite book, movie, or TV show villain?

Movie - well, Hello!  Gaston!  a great villain!  He's funny, all the ladies love him, he has a best friend who follows him everywhere.  & apparently he can even survive a fall off of a castle because he's roaming around Disney World now.

TV show?  I'm all about Klaus from The Vampire Diaries... Yes, my inner-13-year-old is showing.  But I love when he shows his soft side.  & then you never know when he's gonna turn & snap someone's neck again.  I'm excited that he even got his own spin off show this fall "The Originals" ... see, others must be letting their inner-13-yr-old self show too if the dude got his own show!

(It doesn't hurt he's got an accent either)

6. How concerned are you about identity theft?

I do tend to think of it every now & then...

but I'm sure I need to be aware of it ALL the time

There are some sneaky awful people out there, always wanting to ruin others
... I don't get that...

7. I saw this last question on Dawn's blog a couple of week's ago and asked if I could share. Everybody hop over and say hi, but first answer this...would you rather have an ordinary home in an extraordinary place or an extraordinary home in an ordinary place?

Ordinary home... in an extraordinary place...

An extraordinary home probably just means a lot of rooms to clean

 8.  Insert your own random thought here.

sshhh.... listen carefully because I'm going to whisper this... I'm afraid I'll jinx myself if I say it too loud...

I think the Decompression Table is working...

My back hasn't hurt at all the past few days!

ssshhhh.... act like I didn't say a word.....

Dumb and Dumber Shhh


I actually wrote this last night ... before my run...

& the universe said, "I heard that"... & made my back ache again

But ssshhh.... it's not as bad as it normally is...
(I didn't really say that universe)

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