Saturday, May 21, 2011

Not guaranteed tomorrow...

Some of you know what's going on right now... I wanted to let some others know just so prayers can be lifted up.

My Papaw & Teenie

Tuesday, my Papaw was found at the bottom of his basement stairs.

My uncle couldn't geta hold of him, went over to his house & knocked - no answer.  Called & heard the phone ringing inside with no one picking up.  He went in to find a sight that I know will forever be in his mind. 

My uncle called 911 & then my dad (his brother) & got Papaw to the hospital.  At the time the ambulance got there, they asked him his name & he said, "Thomas...I think" (which it is...he goes by Junior though).  He was even able to lift his arms to change his shirt which covered from vomit from the impact of the fall.

Every day since Tuesday, his progress has gotten less & less.... He hasnt really spoken since Wednesday, only grunts.   Yesterday, he struggled to get his eyes open only once the whole day.  He has been able to respond to commands by squeezing your hand, but that lessened yesterday as well.

We have been told he had bleeding on the brain & that his brain was swollen.  With his age (he'll be 89 in July), they say the brain shrinks which gives room for swelling, which seems good... & they said that he could be like this for awhile & time would tell us more...

... but time seems to be getting pulled out from under us....

Yesterday, we were told that his progress was declining, his body was shutting down on him & that we needed to discuss removing his feeding tube & just giving him moraphine, helping him relax until he passed away.

What happened to "time telling us more"... it hasnt even been a week.

Needless to say, we have tons of questions... not a decision you can make lightly.  A decision you definitely need peace about.

So if you all could pray for clear answers for my dad & for my uncle... for my Papaw, mainly that he isnt in pain.  My fear for him is that he is hurting so badly... or that he's trying so hard to communicate with us & its just not possible. 

All this talk going on about the rapture & the world ending & judgement day today.... my Papaw didnt know when he was going to his basement to do laundry, he'd end up in ICU with brain trauma.  Dont worry about what day the end of the world could come... because you are never guaranteed tomorrow.

...Live today for today...

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