OK - I'm only sharing this to put a smile on everyone's face - but it is in fact a TRUE story - which makes it even more embarassing!
Yesterday was my yearly exam at my doctor's office & of course, I take my knitting with me to pass the time in the waiting room. I get called back into the room, change into the robe they provide, hop up on the table & continue knitting while I'm waiting for the doctor. When she comes in, her eyes immediately go to the cute little hat that is being created & her questions start about the stitches, the yarn, the needles - a knitting conversation started! We get through the exam & then she asks me if I could give her a refresher course on knitting. SURE! - always up to share the joy of the needles! "Wait, my nurse wanted to learn this too" - call her in & another nurse also wants to learn - invite her as well! I'm showing them the stitches & how it works on double pointed needles (which looks more complicated than it is) & they are being sucked in the magical world of knitting! I give them places to go find the neatest yarns, the best needles I recommend, all the tips I can think of. A great time sharing my "knitting knowledge" - & then I realize - I'm still in my exam robe - sitting in a room full of strangers naked - teaching knitting!!!! My bum is sticking out the whole time - you know those flimsy little robes are like toliet paper! ..........Anything for the art of knitting & sharing it with others!
I challenge anyone to tell me they've knitted in a more akward situation in their life!